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What does ‘the other way’ mean? It means eBay, actually, at that time, they are doing a bidding business. They are an auction business. Because this auction business is more like secondhand trading, people bidding on the site to get the best price, and they get the deal. But we realize there is a pain point there. In China, when we go to this area, if they are doing this bidding and what bidding means is no talk, only bid, only action – no conversation. But we believed, that in China, the Internet was a new thing. And online shopping is a new thing to most of the people at that time. So, how can customers trade on the Internet without communication between buyers and sellers. It’s very dangerous. There was a lack of trust. So, how do you encourage people to communicate? How do you enable them to communicate, to facilitate the trading, became our thinking. So, that’s why, from the very beginning, we introduced live chatting, at that time, PC live-chatting, in the shopping process. Today, all the sellers on the platform, all the buyers…Here, many of the students, the participants are customers, or even our sellers, and you use this live-chatting tool not only as a communications tool.It’s more like a customer-service tool.




14淘宝淘宝公开了用火箭送快递的决定:大型运载火箭“宝箭号”,跨国运输将缩短为 1 小时,美日韩包邮不是梦;小型的小宝箭号载重 200 斤,实现 30 公里范围内到货仅需 60 秒。这样一来,随买随到都能成为现实?15京东使用狗狗做吉祥物的京东自然少不了用狗狗做文章,他们带来的新品是狗狗自提柜。具有宠物取货、狗友代取、下沉式储物、爱心救助等多种创新功能,带着宠物也能够空出双手来取快递,不愁在家没法出门拿快递了。
